Projusa Xndr back with a Bang! ,with new Joint featuring Mc Doc & Jimi Hunydread

The multi award winning producer Projusa Xndr and C.E.O of Brand by Anonzi never seizes to amaze us as he recently dropped his first 2021 production with fire track Uptown girl.This track features hometown artists 

Mc Doc & Jimi Hunydread.

Projusa Xndr gave us a banger in 2020 Kuchena which featured Kelz & Mc Doc.This joint made wave nationwide with its debut on national radio stations with multiple requests from fans its seem the guru when it comes to handling & creating fresh talents in Zimbabwean Hip Hop is back at his peak.

Make sure you get this new joint Uptown Girl with catchy line "Ndichakutora toend kusina ma street lights, ku ghetto ndoku ratidza ka street life,” explain an about a girl from the suburbs being shown the street life by a hustling ghetto youth.

We as The Juice Magazine endorse the producer for returning back to his hood Norton and uplifting these young hip hop cats that have the hope & aspiration of making it big in the industry and it seems Projusa Xndr is on the verge of making their dreams reality.
