Mudiwa - Ginimbi interview gone wrong as Genius Lashed Out!!

The multi-award winning gospel rapper Mudiwa Hood took courge to go on an Instagram live video with one of Zimbabwe’s richest and most influential mogul Genius “Ginimbi” Kadungure

With the intentions of Mudiwa containing Genius Ginimbi as he asked him a bunch of questions the artist kept getting feedback that was a bit harsh and unexpected since the two seem to have been in good book ever since Mudiwa used Genius’ mansion in Domboshava as the shoot spot for his 2017 Award winning video Slaying.

The main question Mudiwa asked that made the tables turn is when he addressed the Ginimbi Live Rule which states only beautiful women allowed to request on the live,but Mudiwa was so keen to set justice on the fact that Genius once said “Handsomeness or beauty wont pay the bill and will never buy a mansion.”The rapper went on to say the provocative statement to Genius as he said “Paunotaura statement rekuti HuHandsome won’t pay the bill kasi unenge uchirwadziwa nehuHandsome hwangu here kana hwevamwe vapfana.”

This statement made Ginimbi to lash out as he uttered shocking words like “Your are handsome but you don’t live the life i do” and “You are handsome but you are not the best artist” and lastly the one that made the zim hip hop fanatics and critics flip “You are handsome but still no-one likes and listens to your music.”

I guess this one was an interview gone wrong for Mudiwa,but still though we think the cousins are at peace.
