Zim Hip Hop Best Album Legacy.

The Zim Hip Hop Awards having been founded in 2010 marked Zim Hip Hop as the first Zim Genre to have its own specified award show.Now the Zim Hip Hop will be marking it 9 year anniversary in 2019.

The Best Album category has been one of the most competitive categories as only a few have won it and funny fact is that most albums which won in this category were produced by renowned producer Fun F.

These albums include:

Feeling Ain’t Fear - Few Kings
Syn City - Synik
Year of the Vin - Calvin
Better than Your Album - Noble Styles

 And 2019 winner Mariachi with Mzukuru.In this category with deep analysis they focus on high level of lyrical content which makes all the artists that have ever won in this category be greats in the zim hip hop game.

Who will take it home this 2019?


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