The realest King is here!!!

From using the old stage name Tine Jay to using his real name as his brand name makes him real enough.Shaquille Kings has broken many speed records in Norton as he has began 2019 with a bang.

Besides having his pre-hit Thula Mzala featuring Kasie Nine as a theme song for a ZBC sitcom he also made it an accomplishment to be nominated for over 3 categories at the 2018 Norton Hip Hop Awards.

His 2019 first drop Wake Up Call which made noise on instagram as the challenge went on and on,also made high statistics on various music media platforms.

Wake Up Call Statistics :

Spotify - 2.1k views

Itunes -1.2k views
Deezer - 3.4k views

Tidal music - 539 views

The real King is also dropping his three early projects before February 2018 ends these include anticipated solo track Carolina and a track Featuring The BET Awards Winning Rapper SARKODIE.
